Manual state transition

With selecting an object state from the dropdown list, the following pop-up window appears:

To set an object to the Maintenance mode it is possible to configure an additional state, for example, MAINTENANCE.
Option Description


The dropdown list to select a state which the object or link will be transited to.

By default from the moment the button image is clicked to the moment of manual reset, the object is transited to the selected state. It is not recommended to set WORKING state without additional options, which allow to reset manual state transition automatically. Otherwise some accident can be missed.

Change reason

Required field. The reason and the name of the user, who set the state, will be displayed in the sections Parameters and State history of the object or link.

Set period

Here it is possible to:

  • set predefined period for the manual state transition;

  • schedule the manual state transition in the From field;

  • schedule the manual state reset in the To field.

This options are useful in cases of the scheduled equipment or service maintenance.

Reset on state

This option allows to reset manual state transition automatically when the object gets data, that meets respective "State change conditions" of the current object.

This functionality is usually used in cases of accidents. A user can select MAINTENANCE from the State dropdown list and WORKING from the Reset on state one. The object state will be set to MAINTENANCE. As soon as the problem is fixed and the object gets data that meets WORKING state condition, the manual state transition will be reset.

If both parameters for resetting manual state transition - To and Reset on state - are set, then the manual state will be reset with the earliest event:

  • Time set in the To field has come, the expected data have not come;


  • The expected data (Reset on state) has come before the set time.