Agent log files configuration
Configuration of agent log files is stored in the following files:
<PROGRAMFILES>/SAYMON Agent/conf/logback-winservice.xml
(Windows). -
(Linux/Mac OS).
Logging is performed at the INFO level. If necessary, it is possible to configure the debug mode additionally.
The agent creates new logs once a day. Old logs are archived.
Archiving is performed when new information from the agent is added to the log. If there are no new entries, archiving is not performed. |
Basic logging
An example of the basic logging settings section:
<appender name="FILE-INFO" class="RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- Daily rollover -->
<!-- Keep 10 days' worth of history -->
<!-- Limit total size of all archive logs to 50 MB. -->
<encoder class="PatternLayoutEncoder">
<pattern>%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-15thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg %kvp%n%rootException</pattern>
<file>log/</file> — location of the log file;
<fileNamePattern>… .zip</fileNamePattern> — instruction to archive files in .zip format;
<maxHistory>10</maxHistory> — file storage duration in days;
<totalSizeCap>50MB</totalSizeCap> — disk space limitations for storing logs.
Detailed information about the settings is available in Logback documentation. |
Activation of Debug mode
To activate the debug mode, it is necessary to:
Replace the contents of the agent log configuration file with the contents of the following file:
(Windows); -
(Linux/Mac OS).This file contains the debug mode settings section:
<appender name="FILE-DEBUG" class="RollingFileAppender"> ... </appender>
The file with the debug mode settings section is located in the same folder as the agent log configuration file.
Restart agent:
service (Windows); -
service (Linux/Mac OS).
The parameters and structure of the debug-mode section are similar to those of the basic logging section.