SMS-notifications and Voice call enabling

To enable SMS-notifications and Voice Calls, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. In the client configuration file /etc/saymon/saymon-client.yaml to set the parameters enableSmsTrigger and enableVoiceCallTrigger to true:

    return {
     enableVoiceCallTrigger: true,
     enableSmsTrigger: true,
  2. In the section Server of the server configuration file /etc/saymon/saymon-server.conf to add paths to the scripts which send SMS-notifications and implement voice calls:

    "server" : {
        "sms_script": "path to script to send sms-notifications",
        "voice_call_script": "path to script for voice calls",

    Script for sending SMS-notifications obtains the following arguments:

    $1 - Addressee’s phone number (as it was entered in the trigger);

    $2 - ID of the object in which the trigger was activated;

    $3 - Name of the object in which the trigger was activated;

    $4 - ID of the state of the object;

    $5 - Text of the notification which was set up in Notification templates.

    Script for implementing voice calls obtains the following arguments:

    $1 - Addressee’s phone number (as it was entered in the trigger);

    $2 - ID of the object in which the trigger was activated;

    $3 - Name of the object in which the trigger was activated;

    $4 - ID of the state of the object.

  3. To restart the service saymon-server in order to apply changes:

    $ sudo service saymon-server restart