Setting up display of incidents page

It is possible to specify additional URL parameters in the address bar of the incidents page. These parameters affect appearance of menu elements and displaying data in the table.

This functionality can be useful for embedding the incidents page to the IFrame widget.

Below is the example that:

  • disables all the control elements, except for the Export to Excel button;

  • applies filter, previously saved with Major name.

You may wish to specify address of your SAYMON installation instead of

Parameters of control elements

Parameter Description


It enables/disables displaying of the panel with data filtration elements;

  • on | displaying of the panel is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the panel is disabled.

By default on | displaying of the panel is enabled.

When displaying of the panel is disabled, other parameters described in this table are disabled as well. In this case if an element must be enabled, it is necessary to specify the element separately in the address bar with the on value.


It enables/disables caching settings made by the user in a browser: whether the settings are saved/ignored on the web page reload;

  • on | cache is enabled,

  • off | cache is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of links to the alarming elements in the Object/link column and their parent objects in the Path column;

  • on | displaying of links is enabled,

  • off | displaying of links is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the Export to Excel button;

  • on | displaying of the button is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the button is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the section of the expanded filter;

  • on | displaying of the filter section is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the filter section is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the logo;

  • on | displaying of the logo is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the logo is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the Presets section;

  • on | displaying of the Preset section is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the Preset section is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the property fields section;

  • on | displaying of the property fields section is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the property fields section is disabled.


It enables/disables displaying of the type selector (selection between active alarms and alarm history);

  • on | displaying of the type selector is enabled,

  • off | displaying of the type selector is disabled.

Filter parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the previously saved filter, which is applied to the displayed data.


It enables/disables displaying of the additional filter by time period;

  • on | time filter is enabled,

  • off | time filter is disabled.

By default off | displaying of the panel is disabled.



Selection of the displayed data type - the active alarms list or the alarm history one.

  • active | the active alarms list is displayed,

  • history | the alarm history list is displayed.

By default the last selected list is displayed.