Zabbix integration

It is possible to connect to Zabbix servers and import information about monitored hosts.

Setting up a connection to Zabbix 5.x

To set up a connection, perform the following steps:

Step 1: check a connection from the system server to the Zabbix server

To check availability of Zabbix API, use the following command on the system server replacing with the address of your Zabbix installation file api_jsonrpc.php:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"apiinfo.version","id":1,"auth":null,"params":{}}'

If the Zabbix server is available, it will reply with a message like this:


Step 2: add a user to Zabbix

Add a new user to Zabbix with access to read the hosts or groups of hosts, which data you want to import. The user’s login and password are required to connect to the Zabbix server on the 4th step.

Step 3: create an object for import

On the system server create the object, which data you want to import. In the parameters section copy the ID of the object – it is required on the 4th step.

Step 4: enable import on the system server

Open the server configuration file /etc/saymon/saymon-server.conf and add the following block to it:

"zabbix" : [{
    "url" : "",
    "user" : "saymon",
    "password" : "saymon_user_password",
    "parent_id" : "58b586d5c3a2f96642e25537",
    "zabbix5": true


  • url – address of the file api_jsonrpc.php of your Zabbix installation which has been checked on the 1st step, for example;

  • user – login of the Zabbix user which has been created on the 2nd step;

  • password – password of the Zabbix user which has been created on the 2nd step;

  • parent_id – ID of the object which has been created on the 3rd step,

  • zabbix5 – enable Zabbix 5.x support.

In order to use another Zabbix installation, add another JSON document with connection parameters as follows:

"zabbix" : [
        "url" : "",
        "user" : "saymon",
        "password" : "saymon_user_password",
        "parent_id" : "58b586d5c3a2f96642e12345",
        "zabbix5": true
        "url" : "",
        "user" : "saymon",
        "password" : "saymon_user_password",
        "parent_id" : "58b586d5c3a2f966427abcde",
        "zabbix5": true

Step 5: apply settings

Restart saymon-server service to apply connection settings.

$ sudo service saymon-server restart

Setting up a connection to Zabbix 6.0

SAYMON server has Zabbix 6.0 support starting from version 3.14.89. Earlier versions support only Zabbix 5.x.
The following guide uses Zabbix 6.0 in Docker container.

Do the following steps to set up Zabbix 6.0 integration:

Step 1: start Zabbix

  1. Clone Zabbix repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Select a Docker file from the cloned repository:

    $ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose_v3_alpine_mysql_latest.yaml up -d

Step 2: set up automatic Zabbix launch

To automatically launch containers on the server restart, create systemd-unit that will launch docker-compose file when you start the server. Create the /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-compose.service file and paste the following block into it:

Description=Zabbix services with docker-compose


ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f ./docker-compose_v3_alpine_mysql_latest.yaml down -v

# Compose up
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f ./docker-compose_v3_alpine_mysql_latest.yaml up -d

# Compose down, remove containers
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f ./docker-compose_v3_alpine_mysql_latest.yaml down


Execute the following commands for the changes to apply:

$ systemctl enable zabbix-compose.service

$ systemctl daemon-reload

$ systemctl start zabbix-compose.service

Step 3: download and start Zabbix Agent

Download and install Zabbix Agent.

Use the following commands to work with Zabbix Agent.

Edit configuration files:

$ sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf

Start Zabbix Agent service:

$ sudo systemctl start zabbix-agent

Check service status:

$ sudo systemctl status zabbix-agent

Stop service:

$ sudo systemctl stop zabbix-agent

Step 4: connect to Zabbix Agent

  1. Log into the Zabbix server web interface (http://host/zabbix[]).


    Default credentials:

    Login: Admin

    Password: zabbix

  2. Specify the installation path of the Zabbix Agent. For this, perform the following steps:

    In the side menu, select Monitoring, then press the Create host button in the top right corner.

  3. Set the following parameters:

    • Host name – host name (for example, "Zabbix server")

    • Host groups – host groups (press the Select button and choose Zabbix-servers)

    • In the Interfaces section, press the Add button and select Agent

    • Enter the connection details in the IP address, DNS name, Connect to, and Port fields

  4. Press the Add button.

As a result, Zabbix server will receive data from the agent.

Step 5: create monitoring item

Create a new monitoring item. For this, preform the following steps:

  1. Click on the name of the created server and select Items.

  2. Press the Create item in the top right corner.

  3. Set the necessary item parameters:

  4. Switch to the Tags tab, setup item tags and press the Add button.


Step 6: create trigger

Switch to the Triggers tab and press the Create trigger button to create a new trigger.

To test the system, create a file size trigger, that will create an alarm when the file size exceeds 1 byte and press the Add button. If the size of the specified file exceeds 1 byte, then the alarm with the HIGH severity will be created.


Step 7: setup connection to SAYMON server

To connect SAYMON server to Zabbix server, specify Zabbix server address in the saymon-server.conf and then restart SAYMON server to apply changes (learn more in the Server configuration article).

$ sudo service saymon-server restart

Zabbix host and its child objects will be displayed in the list of objects on the SAYMON server.


Step 8: test event

To create an alarm on the host, execute the following command:

$ echo -n "create an accident" > /home/zabbix/test-file.txt

To clear an alarm, execute the following command:

$ echo -n "clean" > /home/zabbix/test-file.txt

Update interval of the data import

By default data on the server is updated every 2 minutes.

To change the update interval, open the Zabbix section of the server configuration file /etc/saymon/saymon-server.conf and add the polling_period parameter with the value of the update interval (in milliseconds). For example:

"zabbix" : [{
    "url" : "",
    "user" : "saymon",
    "password" : "saymon_user_password",
    "parent_id" : "58b586d5c3a2f96642e25537",
    "polling_period": 30000

To apply changes, restart the server:

$ sudo service saymon-server restart

Modification of the standard options in Zabbix requests

It is possible to modify options used in requests for the following:

  • hosts,

  • triggers,

  • data

All available filter fields are represented in the Zabbix API documentation:

"zabbix" : [{
       "request_options": {
          "hosts": {
            "filter":  {
          "triggers": {
            "filter": {
           "data": {
            "filter": {

In order to remove the filter from the request option, set the null value to the parameter filter.

Example (remove the filter field from the triggers request options of Zabbix):

"zabbix" : [{
    "triggers": {
       "filter": null

Mapping Zabbix metrics to the object classes

By default the INFO class is assigned to the discovered objects. In order to assign another class to the new objects, it is necessary to set the zabbix.classes dict and specify correspondences between class IDs and Zabbix objects' names:

"zabbix": [{
        "classes": {
            "4": "CPU",
            "619503be0ffb595aebe22222": "Memory|General"

The order of the rules applying is not guaranteed.

If the same regular expressions are assigned to two different classes or the expression "*" (any text) has been used, then it cannot be guaranteed that the rule which is higher in the list will be applied first.

This mapping is set up individually for each Zabbix connection. Regular expressions in values (object names) are not case sensitive.

If the single class needs to be connected to several Zabbix names, it is possible to set all of the names in one regular expression using the OR operator. Otherwise, only one correspondence will be applied.


In order to record parameters and request results into the log file, it is necessary to set the zabbix.debug parameter with the value true:

"zabbix" : [{
   "debug": true,