Reassign object parents

You can manage the parent-child relationships between objects using the Add here and Move here buttons on the toolbar in the upper right corner of the window.

Add object

To set the currently displayed object as the parent to an existing object in the system, follow these steps:

  • In the navigation panel, select the object that should act as a parent.

  • Click the Add here button. In the dialog box select an object from the list and then press the Add here button.


Move object

The selected child object will get a new parent. If the child object did not use the multi-parent mode, then this mode will be enabled automatically. When you add a new parent to a child object, all of its existing parents are preserved.

To move an existing object to a currently selected object, follow these steps:

  • In the navigation panel, select the object that should act as the new parent.

  • Click the Move here button. In the dialog box select an object from the list and then press the Move here button.


The selected child object will be assigned a new parent. The child object loses all existing parents, to which the user, who performed the move operation, had access. Those objects, to which this user didn’t have access, will remain in the parents list of the moved object.