Users and Groups Management
This section allows to:
create and remove users and groups;
change user permissions, access to objects;
set Event log filters.
The accounts and passwords are encrypted on the server with the bcrypt password-hashing function.
Any symbols, except for the @, are possible to use in users' logins and passwords, groups' names. |

The section consists of a list of users and groups. Search within the list is implemented by the filter button - . Clicking the button
adds a new user or group.
User groups allow to simplify user management and their:
permissions to view events from the Event log.
Create a group, assign permissions to it and add users to the group. It is possible to edit the group later.
Permissions of a user and their groups are sum up. In order to allow a user to perform various actions in the system, it is necessary that corresponding rights have been assigned to either the user or at least one of their groups. |
Users are marked in the list with the icon . The icon
marks user groups.
On the right there is a set of tabs to view and change the properties of the selected user or group.