Server configuration
Server configuration is stored in the /etc/saymon/saymon-server.conf
To apply changes, restart the saymon-server service:
$ sudo service saymon-server restart
The following is the description of the sections and settings.
This section contains description of settings that affect storing historical data from the agent.
"agent_stat": {
"write_to": "mongo",
"default_ttl": 20,
"ttl": [
"key": "payload.cpuInformation.vendor",
"value": "Intel",
"expire": 10
Selecting a storage for data from the agent.
Set the value to mongo
to store agent data in MongoDB.
Default – data from the agent is stored in ELK.
This section contains Redis server settings.
"cache": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379
The subsection contains settings which are applied when Redis Cluster is used.
"cache": {
"cluster": {
"nodes": [
"port": 7000,
"host": ""
"port": 7001,
"host": ""
"options": {}
If this subsection is set, then the system uses connection settings specified here. The parameters and cache.port are ignored. |
Additional connection parameters.
You can find out more in the ioredis documentation.
This section contains settings of the custom scripts, which are executed with object creation or deletion.
"custom_scripts": {
"entity_triggers_path": "/opt/saymon-extensions/entity-triggers-path"
This section contains settings for connecting to the database with the object model. MongoDB is used as the database.
"db" : {
"mongodb": {
"url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/saymon?w=1"
The MongoDB server address and additional connection settings.
Default – "mongodb://localhost:27017/saymon?w=1"
When using a cluster with several hosts their addresses are specified comma-separated in arbitrary order:
All possible additional URL parameters are presented in MongoDB documentation.
This section contains settings of Elasticsearch.
"elasticsearch": {
"node": "",
"auth": {
"username": "elastic",
"password": "ypezA1ZoVv46fJh8Abj4"
"index_pattern": "myindex*",
"request_timeout": 30000,
"hits_per_request": 1000
Maximum number of records, which are requested in one query to Elasticsearch.
With increasing the value of this parameter the number of queries to Elasticsearch is decreased. However, memory consumption and time of flow blocking on the SAYMON server during answer processing is raised. |
Default – 1000.
"encrypt": {
"db": true,
"server_config": true,
"tags": [
"prefix": "crypt"
Enables database fields encryption
true – Enable encryption.
false – Disable encryption.
Default – false
Enables server configuration file fields encryption.
true – Enable encryption.
false – Disable encryption.
Default – false
Tag that marks a field for encryption. Read more about encrypted field format in the Encryption format article.
Default – ["<<",">>"]
Prefix that shows that a field is encrypted. Read more about encrypted field format in the Encryption format article.
Default – crypt
This section contains settings of SAYMON custom extensions.
"extensions": {
"path": "/opt/saymon-extensions"
This section contains settings for automatic update of automatically registered Host
class objects.
hostname_update: {
enabled: false
This section contains settings for connection to Kafka broker.
"kafka" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 9092,
"requestTimeout" : 30000,
"fetch_latest" : false,
"logLevel" : 2
In addition to the parameters which are listed here, it is also possible to use additional connection parameters.
Address pool to connect while using Kafka Cluster.
"kafka" : {
"brokers": [
If this parameter is set, the system ignores the and kafka.port parameters. |
It is necessary to make additional settings in the agent configuration file while using Kafka Cluster. |
Sets the processing rule for messages which have come to Kafka while the system has been turned off;
false – process accumulated data,
true – ignore accumulated data.
Default – false.
Kafka logging level;
1 – ERROR,
2 – WARN,
4 – INFO,
5 – DEBUG.
Default – 2 – WARN.
The client waiting time for answer (in milliseconds).
Default – 30000 – 30 seconds.
Encryption settings. The key and certificate can be set as the paths to the files:
"kafka" : {
"ssl": {
"certFile": "/opt/kafka/for-saymon-server/cert.pem",
"keyFile": "/opt/kafka/for-saymon-server/key.pem"
Authentication settings. The parameters depend on authentication mechanism, which is used in Kafka. Settings example for the PLAIN/SCRAM mechanism:
"kafka" : {
"sasl": {
"mechanism": "plain",
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
This section contains parameters for interacting with the Keycloak server to authorize users.
"keycloak": {
"realm_certificate": "<data of keycloak_realm_certificate>",
"realm_certificate_file": "/etc/saymon/keycloak_realm_certificate",
"config_file": "/etc/saymon/keycloak_backend.json"
The parameters in the example are listed in descending order of priority when specified simultaneously. To work with Keycloak, it is sufficient to specify one of the parameters. |
Path to the configuration file, generated by the Keycloak server for the Backend-client.
This section contains parameters of external LDAP server for user authorization.
"ldap" : {
"url" : "ldaps://",
"suffix" : "dc=example,dc=com",
"login" : "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com",
"pass" : "root",
"allow_self_signed" : true,
"create_user_for_existing_group_only": true,
"import_non_existing_groups": false,
"update_existing_groups": false
It enables connection with LDAPs to a server with a self-signed certificate;
false – connection is disabled,
true – connection is enabled.
Default – false – connection is disabled.
It restricts authorization of new users with only those users, who have a group on the LDAP server, name of which matches the name of an existing group (previously created) in SAYMON:
false – authorization is allowed for any new LDAP users,
true – authorization is allowed for only the new LDAP users, for whom groups in SAYMON are exist.
Default – false – authorization of any new LDAP users is allowed.
This parameter does not apply to LDAP users, who already have a SAYMON account. Don’t use together with the |
The attribute which contains names of user groups.
It is set when it is necessary to use non-standard attribute.
The standard attribute is "cn".
It allows automatic creation of the groups, which the user belongs to on the LDAP server, but does not exist in SAYMON:
false – with login of an LDAP user new groups are not created in SAYMON,
true – with login of an LDAP user all of their groups are created in SAYMON, the user is automatically added to the groups.
Default – false – with authorization of an LDAP user new groups are not created in SAYMON.
LDAP administrator login. Administrator account must have access to LDAP users and groups, that need to be imported into SAYMON.
The attribute which contains users' names to log in the system.
It is set when it is necessary to use not the standard attribute.
The standard attribute is "name".
It allows to convert user groups, created in SAYMON, to LDAP groups, if with import of user groups from LDAP the groups' names match:
false – with login of LDAP users, groups are not updated,
true – with login of an LDAP user, their groups in SAYMON, which are matched with their groups in LDAP, are updated to LDAP groups.
Default – false – with login of LDAP users, groups are not updated.
This section contains settings for security log database.
This section is required to enable security log interface. This section is not set by default. |
"logdb": {
"url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/logs",
"collection": "securityLogs"
This section contains settings of the custom monitoring probes.
"monitoring": {
"custom_tasks_path": "/opt/saymon-agent/custom_tasks"
This section contains settings for connection to a MQTT broker.
"mqtt" : {
"broker" : "mqtt://username:password@localhost:1883"
This section contains configuration parameters for additional time series databases.
"tsdb_extensions": [
"name": "influx",
"enabled": true,
"config": {}
"path": <path to DB client file>
Name of the additional time series database;
Possible values:
– InfluxDB -
– VictoriaMetrics
Recording historical data into an additional time series database;
– recording is disabled, -
– recording is enabled.
Default – true
– recording is enabled.
This section contains parameters of push notifications in the mobile application. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is used for work with push notifications.
"push_notification" : {
"disabled" : true,
"key_path" : "/etc/saymon/saymon-mobile-firebase-adminsdk.json",
"on_state_change" : true,
"timeout" : 0,
"url" : ""
It disables the notifications;
true – notifications are disabled,
false – notifications are enabled.
Default – true – notifications are disabled.
Path to SAYMON server authorization key on the Firebase server.
Default – "/etc/saymon/saymon-mobile-firebase-adminsdk.json".
It enables sending notifications when state changes, in case of another notification source – MQTT messages;
true – sending is enabled,
false – sending is disabled.
Default – true – sending is enabled.
This section contains parameters bonded with storage files, uploaded to SAYMON.
"resource_server" : {
"debug" : false,
"file_storage_dir" : "/var/saymon/resources",
"ip_address" : "",
"port" : 8092
It enables debug mode for logging into the file /var/log/saymon/saymon-server.log
false – debug mode is disabled,
true – debug mode is enabled.
Default – false – debug mode is disabled.
Path to the directory for storage documents, added to objects.
Default – "/var/saymon/resources".
This section contains REST server settings.
"rest_server" : {
"base_url" : "/api",
"colorize_log" : false,
"debug" : false,
"document_download_url" : "http://localhost/node/api/docs",
"ip_address" : "",
"keepAliveTimeout" : 5000,
"num_workers" : 1,
"port" : 8090,
"public_url" : "",
"session_ttl" : 3600000,
"snmp_mib_url" : "",
"update_download_url" : "http://localhost/node/api/agents/update"
Limit on the size of the body of the request to the REST server.
You can specify this parameter in bytes as well as a string with the format <size><unit>
(for example "10kb" or "5mb").
When you exceed this limitation when performing a request through web-interface, you will be shown a "Request entity too large" message.
It enables colorizing log;
false – colorizing is disabled,
true – colorizing is enabled.
Default – false – colorizing is disabled.
It enables debug mode for logging into the file /var/log/saymon/saymon-server.log
false – debug mode is disabled,
true – debug mode is enabled.
Default – false – debug mode is disabled.
URL to files stored in $document_storage_dir.
Default – "http://localhost/node/api/docs".
The server waiting time for the next request before termination the current session (in milliseconds).
Default – 5000 – 5 seconds.
Amount of time a user can be inactive before the user’s session expires and closes (in milliseconds).
Default – 3600000 – 1 hour.
Address of the service for translation numeric SNMP OIDs to the text format.
Path to agent update file.
Default – "http://localhost/node/api/agents/update".
This subsection contains limits for number of requests to REST API.
"limits" : [
"__comment": "unlimited number of requests for the admin user",
"user": "5048c849d7b6e40593dfee71"
"__comment": "unlimited number of requests for the duty shift group",
"group": "60e591928196105ec9c74636"
"__comment": "unlimited requests to States and Classes",
"uri": ["/states", "/classes"]
"__comment": "limit for requests to Objects",
"uri": ["/objects"],
"rate": "100/minute"
"__comment": "limits for users authorized from",
"user": true,
"ip": '',
"rate": "120/minute"
"__comment": "limits for unauthorized users",
"user": false,
"rate": "10/minute"
Default – there are no limits on requests.
For each request the search of rules is implemented from the top down. Only one (first matched) rule is applied. |
The user groups, which the limit is set to;
string|string[] – the group ID or the list of the group IDs, which the rule is applied to.
"limits": [
"group": "60e562277936944ebf158282",
"limits": [
"group": [
The IP addresses, which the limit is set for:
true – separate limit for each IP address;
string|string[] – the IP address or the list of the IP addresses, which the rule is applied for.
"limits": [
"ip": true,
"limits": [
"ip": "",
"limits": [
"ip": [
The number of requests per time unit. If it is not specified, there are no limits.
It is set in the format number_of_requests/time_unit.
Supported time units:
y – year,
Q – quarter,
M – month,
w – week,
d – day,
h – hour,
m/minute – minute,
s – second,
ms – millisecond.
"limits": [
"rate": 100/minute,
The REST methods, which the limit is set to;
true – separate limit for each method;
string|string[] – the method or the list of the methods, which the rule is applied to.
Any API method can be set without /node/api prefix, for example "/time".
"limits": [
"uri": true,
"limits": [
"uri": "/ping",
"limits": [
"uri": [
The users, which the limit is set to;
true – separate limit for each authorized user;
false – limit by IP address for each authorized user;
string|string[] – the user ID or the list of the user IDs, which the rule is applied to.
"limits": [
"user": true,
"limits": [
"user": false,
"limits": [
"user": "6048c849d7b6e40593dfee71",
"limits": [
"user": [
This section contains general server parameters.
ID of the object where agents appear in case of the self-registration process.
Default – "1".
It involves analytics of the metric values in the data processing;
false – analytics is disabled,
true – analytics is enabled.
Default – false – analytics is disabled.
The amount of logical cores used to process the times series analytics.
Default – all available cores are used.
Block user by IP after a set amount of unsuccessful login attempts.
If a user is blocked, they will be shown the following message on the login screen:
Error! (38) Too many failed login attempts, try again in a few seconds
Default – this section is not set, functionality is disabled.
"block_by_ip": {
"enabled": true,
"attempts": 3,
"block_period": 30000
It enables colorizing log;
false – colorizing is disabled,
true – colorizing is enabled.
Default – false – colorizing is disabled.
Time interval between sending messages by comet server (in milliseconds).
Default – 5000 – 5 seconds.
Waiting time for the message from the comet server (in milliseconds).
Default – 12000 – 12 seconds.
It enables SSL connection;
false – connection is disabled,
true – connection is enabled.
Default – false – connection is disabled.
It enables incidents functionality;
false – functionality is disabled,
true – functionality is enabled.
Default – false – functionality is disabled.
The path to the script which is executed when the incident is occurred.
It is used only if the incidents functionality is enabled: server.conditional_incidents_enabled = true |
It enables debug mode for logging into the file
false – debug mode is disabled,
true – debug mode is enabled.
Default – false – debug mode is disabled.
Time after which the condition No data on object is triggered since object creation or obtaining the last data (in milliseconds).
Default – 120000 – 2 minutes.
ID of the object to place new network devices, discovered by agents.
Default – "1".
Event Log size at which the data is rotated (in bytes).
Default – "1 G" – 1 gigabyte.
Time period (in milliseconds) during which the data is buffered in Redis and then transferred to OpenTSDB.
This parameter works only if history_update_period is equal to 0.
History data recording period (in milliseconds).
0 – immediate recording incoming values.
Default – 60000 – 1 minute.
Limit of the number of points in one request to OpenTSDB. With specifying this parameter the data is written to the database in parts.
This function is useful with exceeding the size of the data which is written at once. The recommended value in this case is 100000. |
By default, there is no limit, data is written to OpenTSDB without splitting into parts.
Transition time of an alarm from the active alarms list to the alarm history list after clearing the alarm.
Default – 120000 – 2 minutes.
Time period to hoard all messages about object state changes and send grouped notification to the users (in milliseconds).
Default – 0 – buffering is disabled.
It enables storage of the latest received data after their obsolescence;
false – storage is disabled,
true – storage is enabled.
Default – false – storage is disabled.
The maximum execution time of triggers and operations (in milliseconds).
Default – 30000 – 30 seconds.
ID of an object used for self-monitoring.
Name of the field in which the time with which the data must be saved in OpenTSDB is displayed.
Default – "localTimestamp".
Validation period of incoming data expiration (in milliseconds).
Default – 3000 – 3 seconds.
It saves the timestamp from agent’s data;
false – the value of the timestamp field from agent’s data is replaced with the server’s timestamp,
true – the value of the timestamp field from agent’s data is used, it is not replaced with the server’s timestamp.
Default – false – the value of the timestamp field from agent’s data is replaced with server’s timestamp.
This subsection contains email-server settings.
"email" :{
"disabled" : false,
"fields" : {
"from" : ""
"max_json_length": 1000,
"transport" : {
"auth" {
"user" : "",
"pass" : "P@ssw0rd"
"host" : "",
"port" : 465,
"secure" : true
It disables sending email notifications;
true – sending is disabled,
false – sending is enabled.
Default – true – sending is disabled.
Size limit of notification emails (in symbols).
Default – 1000 – 1000 symbols.
It enables TLS while connection to the server;
false – using TLS is disabled,
true – using TLS is enabled.
Default value depends on the port.
Service kit, embedded in the connector. When using it sets host, port, secure automatically.
Default – "Gmail".
This subsection contains user settings.
"user" : {
"auth_enabled": true,
"new_user_access": "all",
"template": {
"permissions": ["manage-objects", "view-section-stat"],
"objectPermissions": {
"include": [],
"exclude": ["5fb643ddf277b96c8401119b", "5f8dc28407e86603bfe281f8"]
"usersRoot": "5800d9aaac7bf0f90d3d520e",
"auth_attempts": {
"enabled": true,
"attempts": 3,
"block_period": 60000
Blocking users for failed login attempts.
When a user fails to login an amount of times specified in the attempts
parameter, this user is blocked. All requests from this user return 429 Too Many Requests
The amount of failed login attempts is reset after a successful login or after an amount of time specified in the block_period
If a user was already blocked for failed login attempts, they will be unblocked after a period of time, specified in the block_period
"user" : {
"auth_attempts": {
"enabled": true,
"attempts": 3,
"block_period": 60000
Enables blocking users for failed login attempts.
false – disables blocking,
true – enables blocking.
Default – true
– blocking is enabled.
Period, after which the user’s failed login attempts will be reset (in milliseconds).
If a user was already blocked for failed login attempts, they will be unblocked after a period of time, specified in this parameter.
Default – 300000
In enables self-account-creation and the ability to remove own account for users;
false – account creation and removal is disabled,
true – account creation and removal is enabled.
Default – false – account creation and removal is disabled.
Enables API token authentication.
false – token authentication is disabled,
true – token authentication is enabled.
Default – true
– token authentication is enabled.
User language by default;
"en" – English,
"it" – Italian,
Default – "en" – English.
Access rights to objects for a new user;
"all" – access to all of the objects, "not" – no access to any object.
Default – "all" – access to all of the objects.
ID of the object used as the root for a newly registered user’s new objects.
Default – "1".
New user’s rights template. These parameters are applied only for users, who used self-account-creation.
A list of permissions given to a newly registered user by default.
User rights to access to objects.
This section contains settings for processing SNMP traps.
"snmp": {
"filter": "/users/admin/tmp/snmp-filter.js"
The path to the file with a filtration function for incoming SNMP traps.
If the function returns false, the message will be discarded. The function below blocks traps which contain any string from the filters array:
module.exports = function(message, rawMessage) {
rawMessage = String(rawMessage);
//console.log(message, rawMessage);
let filters = [ 'HLR Call Processing Message',
'AIR Rejected – No EPS Subscription',
'GPRS SIBB Processing Exception',
'AuC Call Processing Message',
'Received notification from CLIM',
'AuC Event Log Clean Up',
'SOFT 0006'
return !filters.some((filter) => rawMessage.includes(filter));
Next example drops trap with enterpriseOid = '.' AND genericTrap = 6 AND specificTrap = 5:
module.exports = function(message, rawMessage) {
return message.payload.enterpriseOid != '.' && message.payload.genericTrap != 6 && message.payload.specificTrap != 5;
"state_history_log": {
"max_time_range_interval": 30
Defines the maximum time range, that the user can set in the event log filter, when using parameters that can slow down the search (classId
, tagId
, entityName
). This value is set in days.
If you set this value to 0 , the user will not be limited in selection of the time interval. However, this might lead to long search times if there are a lot of objects in the system.
Default – 90
This section contains settings for logging the history of user interaction with the system via the Wetty terminal.
History of each user session is logged into a separate file. File name format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM_SS_PROTOCOL_IP_USERNAME.log, for example 2023-01-12_11-56-17_ssh_127.0.0.1_admin.log. |
If you are using the SAYMON version older than 3.12.86, you should do the following steps when upgrading to a newer version:
"wetty" : {
"log_dir" : "/tmp",
"raw_mode": true
This section contains settings for data import from the Zabbix system.
By default, server uses connection system for Zabbix 6.0. To use legacy connection system for Zabbix 5.x, set zabbix5 parameter to true .
"zabbix" : [
"url" : "",
"user" : "saymon",
"password" : "saymon_user_password",
"parent_id" : "58b586d5c3a2f96642e25537",
"debug": true,
"polling_period": 30000,
"classes" : {
"4" : "CPU",
"619503be0ffb595aebe22222" : "Memory\|General"
An array of correspondences between class IDs and names of discovered objects. The appropriate classes will be assigned to the objects with the specified names when creating.
It enables recording parameters and request results into the log file;
false – recording is disabled,
true – recording is enabled.
Default – false – recording is disabled.
The password of the user with the access to read the hosts or groups of hosts, the data about which need to be imported.
The login of the user with the access to read the hosts or groups of hosts, the data about which need to be imported.
Use the legacy connection system for Zabbix 5.x.
– server uses legacy connection system for Zabbix 5.x, -
– server uses connection system for Zabbix 6.0.
Default – false – server uses connection system for Zabbix 6.0.
This parameter isn’t used in SAYMON server earlier than 3.14.89, as they don’t have Zabbix 6.0 support. |
This subsection contains modified options of the requests for hosts, triggers and data.
"request_options": {
"hosts": {
"filter": {
"triggers": {
"filter": {
"data": {
"filter": {
Fields of the filter of requests for hosts. All of the available hosts filters are described in Zabbix API documentation.
Fields of the filter of requests for triggers. All of the available triggers filters are described in Zabbix API documentation.
Fields of the filter of requests for data. All of the available data filters are described in Zabbix API documentation.