Release notes
v.3.15.90 – 26.04.2024
UI improvements:
you can now hide columns of the event log with the
request parameter; -
embedded graph widget was updated. The following functionality was added:
search bar in the metrics selector;
data table for the selected graph;
export to CSV button;
exported PDF file now has all currently displayed table data.
added new object controls to the main toolbar:
"Add here" function;
"Move here" function.
"Period" field in the Monitoring section now displays the default value;
you can now sort table view by time and duration;
states in tables are now sorted by their priority.
Server improvements:
the ability to remove user’s own account is now available only if the
parameter is enabled in the server configuration; -
added the ability to disable API Token authentication;
added a new built-in state – CRITICAL;
added the ability to store metrics in VictoriaMetrics;
models of active and historic alarms have been reworked to correspond with each other. This allowed us to implement the following functionality:
alarms now separate "severity" and "clear" states;
active alarms comments are retained when active alarm moves to alarm history;
acknowledgements are retained when active alarm moves to alarm history;
added the ability to block a user by IP after unsuccessful login attempts;
support for the local JMX probes was removed;
changed the language selection behavior. By default, only English language is enabled, and the rest have to be explicitly defined in the web application configuration.
Bug fixes:
fixed an issue that led to an incorrect data being saved in an object after adding a graph;
fixed an issue that prevented the "duration" condition from working when analyzing multiple metrics.
v.3.14.89 - 27.12.2023
UI improvements:
users can now add non-HTTP links (for example,
smb:// `or `mailto://
) as documents. -
added simplified object access interface;
values in the graphs popup are now sorted in the descending order;
Event log page was adapted to use in the iframe widget; added new filters;
operations interface can now prompt user for operation arguments;
you can now attach DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, and ZIP documents to objects.
the CSV file with the exported "Data" section now has a data acquisition timestamp, name and identifier of an object that collected data;
Jira trigger is now hidden in the list by default, can be re-enabled in the Web application configuration;
Server improvements:
users can now be blocked for failed login attempts;
added integration with integration with Zabbix 6;
passwords stored in the configuration files and probe settings can now be encrypted;
increased the speed of the SNMP Trap rules in MongoDB.
the latest added comment is now returned by the Get Incident Comment History request.
added unified requests that work with both objects and links.
Issues fixed:
entity’s "Changed" field now changes when you add, edit or delete properties.
when you clone an object, its creation date is now set to the cloning time, not the creation date of the original object;
fixed an issues that led to a missing "Parent" field in the group operations window.
v.3.13.88 - 29.09.2023
Added security log.
Added an ability to skip writing stat data to the database. To do this, set the
parameter to 0 in the server configuration.
v.3.13.87 - 18.08.2023
UI improvements:
added buttons to show numbers "as-is" and leading zeros to the "Counter" widget;
added "Timeout" parameter to custom probes;
added the comment chain for active alarms;
changed design of the "Yes/No" switch;
added the ability to enable or disable metrics on multigraphs.
you can now export standard view of objects as PDF;
added the stat history table;
added the automatic update of the name and properties of
objects generated with the autodiscovery mechanism. -
standardized the behavior of edited fields. Every field that used to automatically apply changes, now requires a press of a "Save" or "Apply" button.
user’s Activity log moved to a separate tab;
when you apply state change conditions to a class, the list of objects whose state change conditions will not be overridden is now displayed in the popup.
users can now set Display name in user configuration.
Server improvements:
improved user passwords encryption – now passwords are encrypted with the bcrypt password-hashing function;
improved the performance of selecting the incident from history by its parent object;
to User model. Some requests now return display name in thelogin
field to users without proper permissions. -
you can now specify the incident filter when subscribing to the Incidents event.
added Get Link’s Parent Paths and Get Object’s Parent Paths requests.
reworked the Incident Comment system. Users can now add multiple comments to a single incident.
users without
permissions now get less information in Get User by ID and Get All Users requests.
v.3.12.86 - 28.04.2023
possibility to use tags in incident filters;
when alarm generation conditions are not met due to absence of data in the system, a new alarm is created, the existing ones are automatically cleared;
when an object inherits an alarm state from its children, a new alarm for the parent object is not generated;
possibility to add properties to incidents and display the properties in the active and historical alarms lists;
work of the alarm history has been accelerated.
Web interface improvements:
possibility to drag the Info modal window around the Main screen;
counters, showing the number of objects in each state, have been added in the grid and table views;
interface of the "Graphs" section has been optimized;
interface of the End-view of objects and links has been optimized;
object/link name is displayed in the pop-up window of properties of the object/link;
possibility to scale values on single graphs.
Server improvements:
possibility to change parent objects through bulk operations;
improved mechanism for connecting server extensions;
possibility to manage configuration parameters of the server and client via REST-API;
Client configuration file has become a part of the server and has been moved to the
folder; -
possibility to detect short-term self-healing incidents using state change conditions.
Server configuration options:
possibility to store historical data from agent in MongoDB;
possibility to store the history of user interaction with the equipment via the Wetty terminal.
v.3.11.85 - 21.12.2022
Users and accounts:
extended options for setting password policies;
added user password changes log;
possibility to require the user’s password to be changed when they log in to the system next time;
extended settings for user authorization via LDAP;
possibility to authorize users via an external Keycloak server.
possibility to change object state when user clears an alarm manually;
possibility to filter alarms by the parent object.
Web interface improvements:
possibility to display changes on graphs in the Instant load mode;
improved displaying of numeric values in data tables for graphs.
Server improvements:
mathematical functions delta, deltaRoll, timestamp are now available in state change conditions;
for a network element, autodiscovered by the agent, the ping sensor is created in its own Ping object under the parent Host object;
objects automatically change their state to ALARM when there is an error in the state change conditions.
Web interface configuration options:
objects settings sections and graphs are collapsed by default in the web interface;
possibility to set up mechanism for sorting objects in the web interface;
possibility to hide error notifications in the web interface.
Server configuration options:
New agent features:
buffer for storing agent data when connection between server and agent is lost.
Other improvements:
Socket.IO updated to v.4.5.0.
v.3.10.84 - 14.07.2022
binding several SNMP Traps to the same object;
possibility to specify state for data expiration;
connection to Telnet terminal from the object context menu;
new mathematical functions for graphs - delta, deltaRoll, timestamp;
popup window with results of operation execution;
new option in object context menu - "Follow the link";
interactive links to parent objects of trouble entities in the Active alarms and Alarm history lists;
the log of user sessions;
"apply filter" button in the Navigation panel;
improved interface of the Search and bulk operations window;
fixed the e-mail notification template;
iFrame widget:
possibility to set up the page with session log;
saving the settings of the page with graphs in individual presets;
possibility to set limits for number of requests to API for user groups;
possibility to save the timestamp from agent’s data;
possibility to use object’s discovery_id instead of its ID in requests to API.
v.3.9.83 - 08.04.2022
manual clear for active alarms;
alarm records removing from the alarm history;
possibility to assign alarm severity level to object state;
filter for incoming SNMP traps;
SNMP OID translation to the text format in the data table;
iFrame widget:
possibility to set up the page with graphs of any metrics of any objects;
possibility to set up the incidents page;
Zabbix integration:
filters to obtain information about hosts;
classes assignment to the imported objects;
improved pop-up window to view results of operation execution in the operations history;
execution of custom scripts on object creation and deletion;
simplified display mode for objects;
possibility to connect to the Comet server from different subnetworks;
expanded possibilities to create references to objects;
possibility to remove their own account for any user;
possibility to fix z-index of an object via CSS styles.
v.3.8.82 - 19.10.2021
possibility to set date and time of user account expiration;
possibility to set limits for number of requests to API;
possibility to set password policies;
extended settings for General user permissions;
support of LDAPS protocol for Active Directory users authentication;
possibility to add a user to several groups;
agent states are displayed in the agent selection dropdown list;
increased section size when selecting sections at the top of the main screen;
displaying object name instead of id when plotting a graph by metric not from the current object;
possibility to embed content from other websites to the system web interface with the IFrame widget;
possibility to hide unused monitoring probes;
possibility to create custom monitoring probes;
possibility to use Redis Cluster.
v.3.7.81 - 01.04.2021
improved user experience for object’s geoposition settings;
new MongoDB version - 4.2;
possibility to temporary set time range for displaying data on graphs and widgets.
v.3.6.80 - 15.01.2021
Extensions for additional functionality;
the first widget is displayed on the objects in the Grid view;
added the possibility to block clicks on objects in all Display modes and Navigation panel;
possibility to send breadcrumbs in notifications;
severity of alarms is displayed in Alarm history;
added the button "Apply filter" in filters of incidents;
system states are available in state change conditions;
for objects, which state has been changed to "Down," an incident is automatically created by default;
in the section "Users" of the system configuration window the interface of the tab Permissions was improved;
added the possibility to send notifications, related to user registration or restoring access, in different languages.
v.3.5.79 - 02.06.2020
added a grid view for objects;
added saving the history of operations executions;
moved to a separated column a path to an object in a list of alarms (see Active alarms);
added an icon that allows showing detailed information about an agent (see the "Monitoring" section).
v.3.4.78 - 08.04.2020
setting default access to objects for new users (see "User settings" in the Configuration options, and "Server" in [Server Configuration]);
configuring splashes and predictions via web interface;
collecting data using SNMP v3 (see SNMP Get);
configuring data buffering duration in Redis (see the Server section in the Configuration);
prefix was removed from metrics' titles in a Web interface; -
added a new color palette for plots;
in the Data section, there added a button that allows displaying data in the JSON format;
configuring a minimum time duration during which an object should stay in a specified condition to activate a trigger;
added a new action (operation) for state changes;
configuring filters for push-notifications (a detailed article will be added later);
v.3.3.77 - 07.10.2019
displaying multiline text in the counter widget;
renamed the "Agent data" section;
added a link to the documentation in Main toolbar;
added push notifications in a mobile app;
possibility to configure conditions of state change and alarm generation that occur at a certain time;
added contact information to the "Server unavailable" page;
added time series analytics module;
converting a sensor error into metric in the data table with the possibility to apply state change conditions;
displaying the number of rows when receiving value array: Process by name, Database query, REST-request;
possibility to use variables in operations.
v.3.2.76 - 25.01.2019
displaying MQTT messages in Event Log;
possibility to manage levels of incidents criticality;
implemented data forming rules;
created Data sources plugin to Grafana.
v.3.2.75 - 26.10.2018
operation Editor for Objects and Classes;
added buttons “Allow all” and “Deny all” for each of the subcategories of Users rights in the configuration window;
possibility to edit classes properties;
formula support in editor of state change conditions;
using metrics from different objects in state change conditions;
autocomplete when typing metric name in state change conditions and when adding graphs;
display of current metrics values and calculations results when editing formulas in state change conditions;
possibility to add a comment to state change;
standardized design and functionality of “Create object” button in each display type;
opening SSH terminal for Host objects class without early configuring properties;
possibility to create and edit scripts for probe “Program or script execution”;
scripts repository;
added fields "RX bytes" and "TX bytes" in agent data at the Network IO sensor;
automatic creation of standard Host objects upon agent autoregistration on server.
v.3.1.74 - 01.08.2018
possibility to use states to reset manual state transition.
v.3.1.73 - 05.07.2018
server configuration options in the Web UI;
object/link deletion option in the context menu of the navigation tree;
dark theme for the Web UI;
graph type switch.
v.3.1.72 - 27.04.2018
filter by users and groups in the configuration section;
possibility to specify interface for ping probe;
displaying of the current server version number in Web UI.
v.3.1.71 - 28.03.2018
improved button design "Widget code";
differentiate and regrouping users rights;
limitation of section viewing for users and users group;
possibility to configure object background;
interface for creating and editing classes;
mode of displaying of objects classes in tree;
possibility to add multi-parent to objects;
data storage after their obsolescence;
displaying of fields from parameters and agent data in Table View;
addition css-styles for links;
displaying of objects properties as fields in incidents table;
combined use of AND and OR operators in incident filters;
improved mechanism for notifications sending;
displaying of recording time (timestamp) while data saving in OpenTSDB;
simplified access to SSH terminal via Web UI;
new REST method for classes creating with the ability to add probes.
v.3.0.70 - 25.12.2017
Zabbix integration improvements;
displaying of cyrillic symbols in WMI-sensor is fixed.
v.3.0.69 - 18.12.2017
new "Owner" field in Parameters section has been added;
modified "Color Picker" component to edit the object states and button widget;
improved system architecture;
the date of the last modification of the object in Parameters section has been added.
v.2.0.68 - 30.11.2017
improved button design in Main Toolbar;
added a filter to the alarm history according to the specified criteria;
new type of check settings - WMI sensor;
accelerated loading of objects in Table view;
displaying of the time of adding comments in incidents when exporting to Excel;
configurable downsampling of charts;
search for objects with empty properties in Bulk operations;
displaying of the date of object creation in Parameters and possibility to search for it in Bulk operations;
possibility to export object properties from Bulk operations to Excel;
improved display of embedded widgets;
saving created filters in alarms;
possibility of temporary blocking alarms from device by means of a filter;
smooth data loading in lists;
assign rights and differentiate access levels for user groups;
add fields from object properties to alarms list;
transferring the state to parent object from children objects by means of weight coefficient of influence;
constructing a ring widget for a calendar period;
v.2.0.67 - 13.10.2017
added the mechanism of creating objects in the mode discovery;
v.2.0.66 - 12.10.2017
custom settings[ to show and hide properties] under the references;
support of API Key (or Token) in requests;
new more friendly and convenient API-documentation;
new methods in API to:
possibility to add a comment to the incident with the author’s fixation and indicating the date;
remark "Acknowledgement" for scanned active alarms with the time fixation;
export of active alarms and reports on them to Excel;
support of Parameters in Bulk operations;
fixed column headings when scrolling incidents;
designation of the action area radius around the object on Geo View;
accelerated loading of objects in Standard view;
immediate recording of each incoming value in state history;
more detailed construction of widgets-charts for one day;
addition of the context alarms menu;
special placeholder and keyboard shortcut to move objects in Standard View;
possibility to publish widgets on an external site;
planned change to the state for a period of time;
improvements of Binary protocol sensor;
possibility to create dictionaries of values on widgets of counters;
displaying an object on the map from the context menu;
filter of active alarms according to the predetermined criteria;
presets to show, hide and reorder columns in incidents;
synthetic alarms - correlation of incidents;
autodiscovery of network devices by agents.
v.1.10.65 - 07.07.2017
technical update to improve performance of Release notes.
v.1.10.64 - 06.07.2017
import of hosts and items from Zabbix;
"Scale values" option for Multigraphs and Chart widgets;
graphs by mathematical operations for metrics from different objects;
Chart widget for Multigraphs;
possibility to define clear conditions for Incidents in Alarm generation conditions;
comments you enter when change object state manually are now displayed in Incidents;
handy buttons to change graph period;
"Total" value in tables under the graphs.
v.1.10.63 - 19.05.2017
popup messages/sound notifications are user targeted now;
possibility to add custom states for objects;
possibility to send notifications to Telegram channel or chat;
search by parent object in Bulk operations;
State change conditions support in Bulk operations;
support of Actions on state changes in Bulk operations;
text mode for State change conditions and Alarm generation conditions sections;
graphs by mathematical operations for metrics from an object;
Joined state history of all objects;
possibility to create objects via the context menu;
optional "Number of bytes" parameter for Binary protocol sensor;
Properties are alphabetically sorted now;
instant displaying of new objects, links and references added to the system to all online users;
possibility to limit the number of simultaneous tasks performed by the agent in agent configuration file;
web-interface loading is accelerated in 4 times;
more friendly REST API documentation;
Agent v.3.3.57 -
v.1.9.62 - 20.02.2017
UDP support for Binary Protocol;
web-interface in Italian;
Agent v.3.2.54 -
v.1.9.61 - 13.02.2017
Binary Protocol sensor;
descriptions for State change conditions;
disable system notifications sound;
possibility to change object state manually - aka the maintenance mode;
user interface language switcher;
support of "entityId" variable in notification templates;
optimization of Navigation panel for better performance;
support of count, sum and deviation operators for metrics' values to show in widgets;
Agent v.3.1.53 with OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 compatibility and Binary Sensor support -
v.1.8.58 - 16.12.2016
sound notifications on object state change;
tags for objects and links in Parameters section to perform quick search and bulk operations;
date and state filters in State history of objects;
state filter for objects in Table View;
"Include all" / "Exclude all" buttons in user management Permissions tab;
direct access to the system without authorization by login/password;
notification templates;
displaying of IP-addresses of the host where the agent is installed in the Agent Data table of the "Agent" object class;
basic data transfer between different installations of the system (Data Import and Export);
new REST-method for force change of states of objects and links;
support; -
Agent v.3.0.50 -
v.1.8.56 - 03.11.2016
possibility to add widget to any object using data from any other object of the system;
possibility to resize any widget;
human-readable State history;
displaying user actions (from audit log) on graphs.
v.1.8.55 - 07.09.2016
voice call notification for triggers;
support of cyrillic symbols in Agent Data table;
filter in File System sensor.
v.1.8.54 - 23.08.2016
MQTT support;
search and bulk operations for objects;
new "Level" widget to display percent data as a bar chart;
optimization of search in drop-down lists;
history of user actions;
customizable headers for HTTP-sensor;
HP Vertica SQL-sensor;
Agent v.3.0.48 -
v.1.7.53 - 19.07.2016
new way to specify arguments for "Program / script execution" sensor;
Event Log access filter for users and groups;
annotations on graphs;
widgets editing.
v.1.7.52 - 30.06.2016
min/avg/max values for metrics on widgets;
legend for graph widgets;
possibility to assign event to a user in Event Log;
label with number of filtered traps in Event Log.
v.1.7.51 - 20.06.2016
joint graph widget;
object state change notifications buffering;
LDAP-integration for user authorization;
improved SNMP-Trap collapsing in Event Log;
all sections and graphs in End View and Info Modal are collapsed by default;
new dark theme to display objects (and subobjects) of "Dashboard" class;
new "Abbreviated value" option for "Counter" widget;
fixed displaying of
metric values in Agent Data section; -
fixed problem when some objects did not change their states to "Object is not monitored" on probe disabling;
Agent v.3.0.47 -
v.1.6.50 - 30.05.2016
event cancellation in Event Log on Clear-trap reception;
Event Log context menu to:
change trap text temporarily;
cancel accident manually (trap deletion);
sorting of SNMP-traps in Event Log by any field;
automatic scaling of "Structure" widget when changing the size of the object.
v.1.6.49 - 11.05.2016
updated SNMP Trap search engine in Event Log;
new way to assign severity levels to SNMP Traps;
displaying default Trap OID for SNMP Trap v.1;
updated Telegram notifications;
support of HTTP Basic Auth in API-requests;
Agent v.3.0.46 -
v.1.6.48 - 29.04.2016
new way to link SNMP Traps to objects and links;
ability to customize SNMP-Trap fields displayed in Event Log;
updated set of fields in Event Log;
adjustable number of stored events;
"ObjectGroup" objects creation has been moved to Main toolbar;
updated objects look;
Agent v.3.0.45 -
v.1.6.46 - 19.04.2016
Agent autoinstallation;
XML-formatted data support by HTTP-sensor;
updated UI of "Program / script execution" sensor for easier setup of arguments with spaces;
percents rounded values in Agent Data table;
"Configuration file / directory" sensor improvements for better recognition of monitored file MIME-type.
v.1.6.44 - 29.02.2016
extended user management functionality;
"Configuration file / directory" sensor improvements for better recognition of monitored file MIME-type;
Standard View scrolling by dragging its background;
unpinned sections buttons highlighting;
object hierarchy rearrangement with drag-and-drop;
recurrence for Actions on state changes;
possibility to set actions for "Object is not functioning" state;
object sections widgets;
graph widget resizing;
object context menu;
link waypoints snapping to the grid;
Agent v.2.6.44 -
v.1.6.43 - 26.01.2016
new check - Configuration file / directory;
support of notifications via Telegram;
speeding-up of Navigation panel;
depth parameter for objects structure widgets;
Agent v.2.6.43 with new check support -
v.1.6.41 - 25.12.2015
waypoints for links;
possibility to link one SNMP Trap to several objects;
object change history (audit-log).
v.1.6.40 - 16.12.2015
new logic to show and hide sections;
new options for object background in Parameters section;
close Info Modal clicking on outside area;
updated Windows Agent installation instructions;
Agent v.2.7.42 and OS Solaris 5.10 support -
v.1.6.39 - 24.11.2015
objects structure widgets;
Agent v.2.6.40 with .NET Framework 4.x support -
v.1.6.38 - 11.11.2015
object references;
uniformity of State change conditions and Actions on state changes sections;
custom labels for widgets;
Agent v.2.5.38 and OS Windows x32 installer -
v.1.6.37 - 22.10.2015
support of SMS-notifications;
graphs widgets;
new control component to slide graphs;
JSON-formatted data support by HTTP-sensor;
"Contains" operator in State change conditions;
link’s state propagation to parent object;
example for recurrent notifications and event escalation.
v.1.5.36 - 25.09.2015
export agent data table to CSV-file;
double click to copy cell information from agent data table to the clipboard;
agent data metadata for the better information representation;
possibility to force object into desired state with conditions in case of “no data” accident;
manual object hierarchy rearrangement;
improved legend panel;
support of additional custom object states.
v.1.5.35 - 03.09.2015
drag&drop columns to change their order in Agent Data table;
counters/metrics in Standard View on objects are replaced by more functional widgets.
v.1.5.34 - 21.08.2015
Event Log background update;
pop-up window for links;
grid for objects arrangement in Standard View;
search filter in dropdown lists;
export of graph data to a CSV-file;
links in Navigation panel;
How to… section with examples is added.
v.1.5.33 - 28.07.2015
Table View for objects and links;
data table that is used to plot graphs;
"Send response body" switcher for HTTP-request;
SNMP-Traps grouping in Event Log.