Agent configuration file

To apply changes it is necessary to restart the service

  • saymon-agent (Linux/Mac OS);

  • SaymonAgent (Windows).

Parameters of the agent configuration file <Agent_installation_folder>/conf/ are described below.

General settings

Parameter Description


It enables automatic searching for network devices by the agent;

  • false | automatic searching is disabled,

  • true | automatic searching is enabled.

By default false | automatic searching is disabled.

The parent object for discovered objects can be set with the parameter discovery_parent_id in the section Server of the server configuration file.

It is the unique ID of the object of the class Saymon Agent in the web interface.

With a new object of the Saymon Agent class will be created on the server. By default agents are created in the root object. To set the different parent object for created agents it is necessary to specify the parameter agent_registration_parent_id in the section Server of the server configuration file.

The ID of the newly created object will be transferred to the agent. In this case the ../saymon-agent/storage/registration.json file will be created on the host with the agent. The agent ID will be stored in the file.

In order to run the procedure of obtaining an ID again, for example, if it is necessary to connect the agent to another server, you just need to delete the registration.json file and restart the agent.


It enables the flows optimization mode;

  • false | optimization mode is disabled,

  • true | optimization mode is enabled.

By default false | optimization mode is disabled.


It enables execution scripts with text by the agent;

  • false | execution scripts is disabled,

  • true | execution scripts is enabled.

By default true | execution scripts is enabled.


It enables receiving traps by the agent;

  • false | receiving traps is disabled,

  • true | receiving traps is enabled.

By default false | receiving traps is disabled.

To learn more about SNMP Trap functionality refer to the sections Event Log and Monitoring and checks settings.


Port for receiving traps.

By default 1162.


Number of simultaneous flows for receiving traps.

By default 4.

It enables the buffer for data storage when connection between the agent and the server is lost.

The value of this parameter is the number of data sets from the agent (probe results), which will be stored in the buffer until the connection is restored. When the connection is restored, all data from the buffer is transmitted to the server and the buffer is cleared. If the buffer is overflowed, then the new data sets replace the oldest ones.

By default the buffer is disabled.

This functional is supported by the agents v.4.5.72 or higher.

Address of the Kafka server.

By default


Kafka port to connect to the system server.

By default 9092.

Connection to Kafka Cluster

While using Kafka Cluster it is necessary to use additional parameters starting with kafka. Please refer to the Kafka documentation for the complete parameters list and their description.


kafka.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="user" password="password"
Parameter Description


List of host:port pairs which are used for the initial connection to the Kafka Cluster.

With using Kafka Cluster the field must not be empty. There must be specified the address of one of the kafka.bootstrap.servers.

Authorization and encryption

Parameter Description


Parameters of context of entering to the system for SASL-connections in the format which is used by JAAS configuration files.


SASL mechanism, which is used for client connections.

Protocol, which is used to communicate with brokers.

Possible values:


  • SSL,




Truststore file location.


Password for the truststore file. If the password is not set, the configured file still can be used, but without integrity check.